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:: Volume 16, Issue 61 (autumn 2023) ::
پژوهشنامه اخلاق 2023, 16(61): 5-5 Back to browse issues page
The relationship between human innent and ethics in Allameh Tabatabaie's point of view
Esmat Hemati
farhangian University
Abstract:   (853 Views)
Allameh Tabatabaie, a contemporary commentat or and philosopher (1289-1360 hj) is one of the most influential scholars that have explained and analyzed the new theological problems based on Islam principles. This article aims to investigate the relationship between human innet and ethics in his point of view by descriptive-analytical research method based on text.
One of the important problems of the philosophy of ethics is determining the origin of moral values. Reviews of all Allameh's point of view clears that without believing in the communal innent and oneness of the nature of human beings, talking about human values is meaningless and negating moral innent means accepting the relativity of the values which is not much different from denying morality. Despite the claim of those believing in the independence of morality from religion, the weakening of the basis of religious beliefs and the relativism of all human knowledge makes the reasonable defense of absolute moral values impossible. In this work, Allameh divides moral subsystems into three categories; in the Greek  moral system and the general religious system,  acceptance of issues based on practiced reason as an innent rule is invertible; while in the Quranic monotheistic system, the reliance of morality on nature is more obvious.
Allameh Tabatabaie, a contemporary commentat or and philosopher (1289-1360 hj) is one of the most influential scholars that have explained and analyzed the new theological problems based on Islam principles. This article aims to investigate the relationship between human innet and ethics in his point of view by descriptive-analytical research method based on text.
One of the important problems of the philosophy of ethics is determining the origin of moral values. Reviews of all Allameh's point of view clears that without believing in the communal innent and oneness of the nature of human beings, talking about human values is meaningless and negating moral innent means accepting the relativity of the values which is not much different from denying morality. Despite the claim of those believing in the independence of morality from religion, the weakening of the basis of religious beliefs and the relativism of all human knowledge makes the reasonable defense of absolute moral values impossible. In this work, Allameh divides moral subsystems into three categories; in the Greek  moral system and the general religious system,  acceptance of issues based on practiced reason as an innent rule is invertible; while in the Quranic monotheistic system, the reliance of morality on nature is more obvious.
Allameh Tabatabaie, a contemporary commentat or and philosopher (1289-1360 hj) is one of the most influential scholars that have explained and analyzed the new theological problems based on Islam principles. This article aims to investigate the relationship between human innet and ethics in his point of view by descriptive-analytical research method based on text.
One of the important problems of the philosophy of ethics is determining the origin of moral values. Reviews of all Allameh's point of view clears that without believing in the communal innent and oneness of the nature of human beings, talking about human values is meaningless and negating moral innent means accepting the relativity of the values which is not much different from denying morality. Despite the claim of those believing in the independence of morality from religion, the weakening of the basis of religious beliefs and the relativism of all human knowledge makes the reasonable defense of absolute moral values impossible. In this work, Allameh divides moral subsystems into three categories; in the Greek  moral system and the general religious system,  acceptance of issues based on practiced reason as an innent rule is invertible; while in the Quranic monotheistic system, the reliance of morality on nature is more obvious.
Allameh Tabatabaie, a contemporary commentat or and philosopher (1289-1360 hj) is one of the most influential scholars that have explained and analyzed the new theological problems based on Islam principles. This article aims to investigate the relationship between human innet and ethics in his point of view by descriptive-analytical research method based on text.
One of the important problems of the philosophy of ethics is determining the origin of moral values. Reviews of all Allameh's point of view clears that without believing in the communal innent and oneness of the nature of human beings, talking about human values is meaningless and negating moral innent means accepting the relativity of the values which is not much different from denying morality. Despite the claim of those believing in the independence of morality from religion, the weakening of the basis of religious beliefs and the relativism of all human knowledge makes the reasonable defense of absolute moral values impossible. In this work, Allameh divides moral subsystems into three categories; in the Greek  moral system and the general religious system,  acceptance of issues based on practiced reason as an innent rule is invertible; while in the Quranic monotheistic system, the reliance of morality on nature is more obvious.
Allameh Tabatabaie, a contemporary commentat or and philosopher (1289-1360 hj) is one of the most influential scholars that have explained and analyzed the new theological problems based on Islam principles. This article aims to investigate the relationship between human innet and ethics in his point of view by descriptive-analytical research method based on text.
One of the important problems of the philosophy of ethics is determining the origin of moral values. Reviews of all Allameh's point of view clears that without believing in the communal innent and oneness of the nature of human beings, talking about human values is meaningless and negating moral innent means accepting the relativity of the values which is not much different from denying morality. Despite the claim of those believing in the independence of morality from religion, the weakening of the basis of religious beliefs and the relativism of all human knowledge makes the reasonable defense of absolute moral values impossible. In this work, Allameh divides moral subsystems into three categories; in the Greek  moral system and the general religious system,  acceptance of issues based on practiced reason as an innent rule is invertible; while in the Quranic monotheistic system, the reliance of morality on nature is more obvious.
Allameh Tabatabaie, a contemporary commentat or and philosopher (1289-1360 hj) is one of the most influential scholars that have explained and analyzed the new theological problems based on Islam principles. This article aims to investigate the relationship between human innet and ethics in his point of view by descriptive-analytical research method based on text.
One of the important problems of the philosophy of ethics is determining the origin of moral values. Reviews of all Allameh's point of view clears that without believing in the communal innent and oneness of the nature of human beings, talking about human values is meaningless and negating moral innent means accepting the relativity of the values which is not much different from denying morality. Despite the claim of those believing in the independence of morality from religion, the weakening of the basis of religious beliefs and the relativism of all human knowledge makes the reasonable defense of absolute moral values impossible. In this work, Allameh divides moral subsystems into three categories; in the Greek  moral system and the general religious system,  acceptance of issues based on practiced reason as an innent rule is invertible; while in the Quranic monotheistic system, the reliance of morality on nature is more obvious.
Allameh Tabatabaie, a contemporary commentat or and philosopher (1289-1360 hj) is one of the most influential scholars that have explained and analyzed the new theological problems based on Islam principles. This article aims to investigate the relationship between human innet and ethics in his point of view by descriptive-analytical research method based on text.
One of the important problems of the philosophy of ethics is determining the origin of moral values. Reviews of all Allameh's point of view clears that without believing in the communal innent and oneness of the nature of human beings, talking about human values is meaningless and negating moral innent means accepting the relativity of the values which is not much different from denying morality. Despite the claim of those believing in the independence of morality from religion, the weakening of the basis of religious beliefs and the relativism of all human knowledge makes the reasonable defense of absolute moral values impossible. In this work, Allameh divides moral subsystems into three categories; in the Greek  moral system and the general religious system,  acceptance of issues based on practiced reason as an innent rule is invertible; while in the Quranic monotheistic system, the reliance of morality on nature is more obvious.
Allameh Tabatabaie, a contemporary commentat or and philosopher (1289-1360 hj) is one of the most influential scholars that have explained and analyzed the new theological problems based on Islam principles. This article aims to investigate the relationship between human innet and ethics in his point of view by descriptive-analytical research method based on text.
One of the important problems of the philosophy of ethics is determining the origin of moral values. Reviews of all Allameh's point of view clears that without believing in the communal innent and oneness of the nature of human beings, talking about human values is meaningless and negating moral innent means accepting the relativity of the values which is not much different from denying morality. Despite the claim of those believing in the independence of morality from religion, the weakening of the basis of religious beliefs and the relativism of all human knowledge makes the reasonable defense of absolute moral values impossible. In this work, Allameh divides moral subsystems into three categories; in the Greek  moral system and the general religious system,  acceptance of issues based on practiced reason as an innent rule is invertible; while in the Quranic monotheistic system, the reliance of morality on nature is more obvious.
Keywords: Ethic, Innent, Ethic, Innent
Type of Study: بنیادی | Subject: ethics
Received: 2023/03/7 | Accepted: 2023/11/1 | Published: 2023/11/1
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Hemati E. The relationship between human innent and ethics in Allameh Tabatabaie's point of view. پژوهشنامه اخلاق 2023; 16 (61) :5-5
URL: http://akhlagh.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-2135-en.html

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Volume 16, Issue 61 (autumn 2023) Back to browse issues page
فصلنامه علمی پژوهشنامه اخلاق Research Quarterly in Islamic Ethics
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