Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Farhangian University, Isfahan Province. & Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Farhangian University, Isfahan Province.
Abstract: (1925 Views)
Allameh Tabatabai (1360-1289), as a contemporary philosopher and commentator, he explained and analyzed the new issues of ethic philosophy according to Islamic principles .The subject of this article is the relationship between nature and ethics from Allameh's point of view and the descriptive-analytical research method based on the text. Check the Allameh Tabatabai's point of view about determining the origin of moral values showing that without believing in common human nature , talking about human values is meaningless and denying of moral nature means accepting the relativity of values and actually denying morality. Despite the claims of those who believe in morality which is independent of religion, the weakening of the basis of religious beliefs and the relativism of all human knowledge made it impossible to reasonably defend moral values. According to Allameh, in the two moral systems, the Greek moral system and the religious system, It is inevitable to accept the judgments of practical reason, which is based on the judgment of the goodness and badness of actions, and in the monotheistic system of the Qur'an, the reliance of ethics on nature and religion is more obvious.