Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Farhangian University. & Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Farhangian University.
Abstract: (1281 Views)
One of the most important problem in the issue of moral conflicts is the moral conflicts about the concealment of spouses. almost in the concealment where there is a possibility of Honesty, most of these cases are in conflict with a duty of moral norm of the principle of honesty. By investigating the cases of concealment conflict with other moral norms,we can reach two final solutions , the primary solution is to prefer the most important side; and The most important ways to recognize it are prioritizing moral principles, rejecting what has most corruption instead of what has less corrupt, rejection of corrupt over gaining benefits and ranking interests. The second case is to investigate for other solutions, which is facilitator in minimal conflicts. In this research of half-truth, (Toriya) discussed about silence and dishonesty as desirable concealment methods that can be used in the conflicts of concealment with other ethical principles. The method used in this research is descriptive-analytical, and the method of data collection is based on the examination of library documents.
Moridian H, Islaminasab H A. Preferences and ways to resolve the moral conflict (emphasising on solution the moral conflict
in the issue of spouses' concealment). پژوهشنامه اخلاق 2023; 16 (61) : 6 URL: