:: Volume 9, Issue 34 (Winter 2017) ::
پژوهشنامه اخلاق 2017, 9(34): 121-140 Back to browse issues page
From Religious Science to Religious Medical Moral; Conceptions and Principles
Saeed Nazari Tavakoli , Fatemeh Karachian Sani
Abstract:   (4649 Views)

Medical ethics as an important interdisciplinary field of study seeks to explain corresponding rights and duties of those serving in the health system and those receiving health services and the problems in the field. The question of the study runs as: with regard to ontological, epistemological and anthropological differences found the two classes, how and to what extent one may argue for such a field of study that seeks to explain the rights and duties and the decisions made for medical affairs on the basis of religious belief? In the paper, it has been intended to explain the meanings of religious science and religious medical moral and describe the difference of the latter with nonreligious medical moral. It is clear that paying attention to the sick and curative`s beliefs in medical decision for treating or way of treating is not of any fixed relation with religiousness of medical moral, yet agreeing with religious medical moral would change one`s view to human being during the course of treatment and prepare the ground for compiling deed rules for presenting medical services on the basis of the sick`s beliefs. As is shown by the study, agreeing with religious science, one would be able to present a definition of religious medical moral, as being distinguished from nonreligious medical moral, upon which corresponding rights and duties in the field be based and religiously explained.

Keywords: Religious Science, Medical Moral, Religious Medical Moral.
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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: Applied ethics
Received: 2016/08/5 | Accepted: 2017/02/6 | Published: 2017/06/19

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Volume 9, Issue 34 (Winter 2017) Back to browse issues page