Doctoral student of Arabic language and literature, University of Tehran.
Abstract: (969 Views)
The aim of the present research is to describe and discover the themes of Imam Ali's special letters to agents in the fields of personal, social and divine ethics and to determine the place of ethics in the theoretical foundations of Imam Ali by using the qualitative content analysis method. For this purpose, by using the MAXQDA theme analysis software, the letters were coded based on the theme analysis unit and divided into different categories based on the commonalities among them. The findings of the research indicate that, among all the repeaded categories, the ethical subcategories have the most frequency of the theme, ethics has a great place in the theoretical foundations of of Imam Ali. The special theme in the field of social ethics is to preserve the dignity of human beings, in the field of personal ethics, simplicity of life, and in the field of divine ethics, the theme of piety, whose meaning circle has been drawn according to the entered themes, and at the end, the training methods of Imam Ali in order to strengthen the agents in these fields explained.
Narimani Z. Analyzing the special themes of Imam Ali's letters to agents in the fields of ethics Based on qualitative content analysis method. پژوهشنامه اخلاق 2022; 14 (54) :79-104 URL: