One`s awareness of oneself and its mode of self-awreness affects one`s attitude to others considerably. The study, being based on psychological and neurological sources, has explainded that gossip is on the basis of self-plan, self-confirmation and a higher than average effect and their part in awareness. In the study, the link of the factor to gossip and the link of gossip to neuric origions of mirror and imitated net of neurves have been explained. As is proved in the paper, one may oppose gossiping by being exactly aware of one`s nature abilities and disabilities as well as by using a preventing neuric system of imitation.
Nejati V, Qabezi F. The Psychological and Neurological Evidencof the Manifestation of the Self and Other`s Deficiency of Awareness in Gossip. پژوهشنامه اخلاق 2013; 6 (20) :177-192 URL: