Ph.D. student in the field of moral philosophy, Qom University.
Abstract: (929 Views)
The spread of incurable diseases has led to new spiritual conflicts and discomforts. The conflict of "self-respect" is one of the pervasive conflicts that can be seen during illness and in the form of the following proposition: "If human dignity is a God-given why does its amount decrease in difficult conditions of illness?" Extensive research and clinical observations of the authors admit that this conflict in most cases leads to a decrease of spiritual health. The research method is qualitative and descriptive-exploratory-analytical and the information is collected through a library. The findings of the research show that there are often fundamental problems in the formation of people's beliefs around the concept of "self-respect". Therefore, correcting and forming human beliefs plays a special role in resolving and preventing conflicts.
hamledari S, moosavizadeh S R. Spiritual health in the conflict between self-respect and illness with an emphasis on incurable patients. پژوهشنامه اخلاق 2022; 14 (54) :131-152 URL: