Tabari, as a complementary element of Tavalli, is a basic teaching in Islam and like Tavalli, it is a comprehensive spirit of Shia teachings. Due to the lack of attention to the place of innocence, this doctrine has been neglected and exposed to moral challenges; In such a way that they have introduced it as a threat to freedom, an obstacle to growth, a cause of hatred and a disrupter of tolerance and brotherhood. problem of this research is to examine the challenging aspects and consequences of the dilemma of the ax type with ethics. The purpose of this article is to provide ways out of the proposed challenges. The first hypothesis of the research is that Tabari does not conflict with the commands and recommendations of Islamic ethics in theory and in the implementation stage. The second hypothesis is the role of the ax as a strategic principle in preventing moral and educational injuries and pollution. The third hypothesis is the efficiency and effectiveness of Tabari in personal and social grooming to the original virtues of religious ethics. Based on these hypotheses, which are examined with the method of logical-critical analysis, the ax frees a person from the obstacles of perfection and growth and provides unity among God's friends and the basis of good life.
Hedayati M, Sajedi S J. The function of Tabari in the atmosphere of moral coexistence and the challenges ahead. پژوهشنامه اخلاق 2024; 17 (63) :47-66 URL: