The relations between fiqh and morality have become a concern for many of Muslim scholars today. The why of such concern lies in issuing some feqhi edicts not in harmony with morality and, moreover, relating them to religion as seen in some feqhi books. One of such challengable edicts is the one permitting to accuse those of heresy in religion. Some faqihs believe that sometimes those of heresy should be accused and, in this way, be known and not be followed by people. That how one may think over such an edict as a religious rule, led the author to study feqhi proofs in detail. As is shown in the paper, the teachings of morality and fiqh are not in agreement with this edict.
Mohammadian A, Elmi Soola M, Fakhla`i M T. A Survey on the Permission of Accusing Heretic Based on the Teachings of Fiqh and Morality. پژوهشنامه اخلاق 2016; 9 (32) :37-58 URL: