: The Quran has used education with the meaning of refinement and increase of spiritual status in which following-up of education and the role of right path will not encompass an extensive field of research; however, applications of this term are taken from the root “rabb” with the infinitive meaning of education and therein lie possession and prudence with the concept of “divine” and “divinity” and explication on human getting divine nature and making him divine nature through the direct path being portrayed beautifully. The right path is the path of unity being in compliance with reality and guidance to this path is guidance to its grades or establishment in its grades. By showing the right path as the perfect religion, the Quran introduces education as recognition of the world’s God and lordship, confessing on His unity, accepting His commands and prohibitions, and finally practicing the same. In this view, to the extent that human becomes divine, he will be led to the path of education. Accordingly, worshiping, scientific, social, physical, and the actions of those under education are based on the educational role of the right path which is in conformity with monotheistic divinity. Here, the main question is that what is the main role of the right path in human education? Among the findings of this study is that the role of the right path is making human divine and human becomes divine being considered the purpose of creation