Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Allameh Tabatabai University
Abstract: (427 Views)
The ethics of the Quran with three related and coherent elements, goals, foundations and principles with epistemic and behavioral roles affect spiritual health, the ultimate goal of the moral system of the Quran is to bring man to the position of nearness to God, and worship, service to mankind, etc. are intermediate goals. They are Its foundations are divided into monotheistic, ontological and anthropological foundations, each of which affects the spiritual health of man with cognitive and behavioral roles.Raising awareness, human agency, self-knowledge, seeking perfection from the roles of knowledge, remembrance and remembrance of God, self-improvement and refinement of the self, charity and almsgiving, appeal to the divine guardians and adjustment of instincts are among the behavioral roles of the moral system of the Quran, each of them on health. Spirituality has a fundamental role.