Quranic Ethical Statements and Systematizing Them
Abstract: (5458 Views) |
Quranic teachings of ethics may be given in propositions composed of subject and predicate. Subjects of the propositions include human five existential aspects of knowledge, motivation, will, deed and personality each may be regarded as one of the four relationship with God, creature, self and creation. Predicates of these propositions may be regarded as one of the seven ethical rules of good, bad, ought to be, ought not to be, right and wrong, duty and responsibility. The holy Quran has regarded positive and negative ethical rules about the five aspect and four relations and composing them with the seven moral concepts Quranic propositions may be systematized. In the paper, it has been intended to introduce ethical propositions in the Quran at first and then give a model for systematizing them. In this way, a forty modes new model of ethical propositions is given that include all ethical macro and micro systems. |
Keywords: Quranic Ethical System, Ethical Systems, Human Existential Aspects, Ethical Concepts, Servitude ethics, Personal Moral, Social Moral, Etics of the World |
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Type of Study: theoretic |
Normative ethics Received: 2017/01/6 | Accepted: 2017/05/8 | Published: 2017/05/8
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