Professor and faculty member of Theology Department at Isfahan University (Corresponding Author).
Abstract: (2109 Views)
“Approximative ethics” in hermeneutics is an attempt to bring closer the followers of Islamic denominations on the basis of common principles whose ultimate goal is to create a meaningful unity among denominations. Tabarsi has taken such an approach in Majma ol-Bayan Explication and is one of the Shiite commentators who tried to avoid highlighting issues that have been a point of contention among denominations throughout his interpretation while preserving the principles. In Tabarsi’s approach, components such as brotherhood, avoidance of bias, preservation of the register of verses and avoidance of esoteric interpretations, observation of the principle of respect in mentioning the quotations of Sunni jurists and observation of moderation in purely theological subjects can be used as criteria to highlight his approximative ethics. The present study intends to examine these fundamental components as well as the indications of approximative ethics in Majma ol-Bayan. Undoubtedly, given the status quo in Muslim countries, such a study could be a step towards strengthening the unity among Muslim countries.
Rezvani M, Haji Esma’ili M R. Components and Indications of Approximative Ethics in Tabarsi’s Majma ol-Bayan Explication. پژوهشنامه اخلاق 2020; 13 (49) :151-172 URL: