Some descriptions such as necessity, power and life have been used in philosophy to introduce God, but in religious holy texts such as Quran some descriptions such as justice, forgiveness, kindness, and faithfulness are mentioned which are known as ethical descriptions in human conventional language. Some people have undermined the possibility of ethical description of God by attributing ethics to God's commands and inhibitions so that in general, this viewpoint has been attributed to Ash'arites in Islam world, but the question is that whether God is eligible of ethical descriptions. Having analytico-descriptive and sometimes critical approaches, this paper investigates some requirements of God's ethical description like entrance of ethics in philosophical sciences and position of ethical propositions in Avicenna's thoughts based upon two interpretations from Mohaqiq Lahiji and Mohaqiq Esfehani. Finally, the study proves that based upon Mohaqiq Lahiji's commentary, from Avicenna's viewpoint, one can consider that God is qualified of ethical qualities and describe Him with ethical descriptions. Some challenges of God's ethical description are also responded in the study.