Assistant Professor, Islamic Sciences Department, Golpayegan Technical and Engineering Faculty.
Abstract: (1906 Views)
Paying much attention to increasing the professional morality in Iran in two recent decades concluded in nothing than instrumental and pleasing to the eye outlook to morality at governmental organizations and departments. In this study we analyzed the reasons of this subject through interdisciplinary approach. Social and historical experience shows that inattention to the importance and role of management power is the main reason for this deficiency. The root of this issue is among the teachings of some mystics and moralists in excessive attention to individual decay of power and inattention of its positive and social effects. Negative attitude of Christianity to the power caused the excessive attention of Nietzsche to the power and denial of religion. Islamic view is realistic to the instrumental role of power of management in correction of organizations and societies. Islam finds the individual and spiritual development of man in the context of the social life. Through this view acquiring and protection of the management post is necessary to the qualified persons and is a part of their development process and flexibility about some jurisprudential and instrumental morality values is permissible and sometimes obligatory.