The commentators have differences in the interpretation of verse 284 about whether or not this verse is abrogated by verse 286, which originates from historical narrations and plays a central role in the moral responsibility of man against his youthful actions. Despite the difference in historical narrations, what is certain is that the juxtaposition of the words "Tabduwa", "Takhfuwa" and the phrases "Ma fi anfskam" and "Yahasabkam beh Allah" are intended to express and prove the meaning of calculating the inner actions of man. The ability to appear and hide these verbs is a feature that distinguishes them from other verbs. Investigations show that Allameh Tabatabai paid attention to this feature and based on the evidence in the verse, he believes that they are only "personal states" that are considered calculable due to having such a feature based on verse 284. But "properties" and "thoughts" are outside the topic of the verse. The method of the article is descriptive-analytical.
sabetghadam L, eslami T, Fallah M J. An analysis on the moral responsibility of humans in the face of youthful actions, focusing on verse 284 of Surah Al-Baqarah.. پژوهشنامه اخلاق 2023; 16 (62) :6-6 URL: