To explicate the general concept of virtue, Feyz states that every good action which helps human in achieving hereafter happiness is virtue and everything making human away from hereafter happiness in any way is vice. From him, the virtues helping human in achieving happiness are divided into four types including spiritual, Physical, social, and successive virtues. Particular meaning of virtue or ethical virtue lies in fact in a part of spiritual virtues including Hikmat, bravery, decency, and justice. Feyz divides happiness into two types of suspected (mundane) and real (hereafter) ones. For him, the ultimate perfection and happiness for human is limited to knowing the almighty God. Of course it should be mentioned that happiness is of gradation and levels of human happiness are directly related to their faith and monotheism degrees. The highest level of happiness is, in fact, the level in which human achieves to an intuitive knowledge of his God. However, people who have imitative faith will achieve to a level of happiness, too.