The Method of Story-Telling in Ethical Education in the View of Shahid Motahhari
Abstract: (4279 Views) |
Morteza Motahari is one of those speaking on ethics in contemporary Iran. In addition to his extensive theoretical efforts for the theoretical foundations of the Islamic Movement, writing simple works for the public, he tried to promote certain moral values. If his moral reformist minds were to be recognized, it would be necessary to study the same series of his works, since they indicate the moral values whose promotion and effect in Iran of 1340s and 1350s and in Iranian great social transformation were prioritized for him. Inside, a prominent and influential work, is his story book, Dastan-e Rastan. In this study, we will try to analyze the position and function of this book from a critical point of view, and, then, by analyzing its content, it will be a way of knowing the approach of the martyr Mutahari to social reform and understanding of his ethical thoughts. This study seeks to find out what the public judges about the purpose of this work, its audience, and its general approach, as the relation of the author's thoughts to the traditional perceptions of the Iranian people of that era, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, to the values of the university classes newly formed would be made clear.
Keywords: Motahari, Dastan Rastan, Islamic Revolution, Ethical History, Fiction, Social Reform, Pathology of folk religiosity. |
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Type of Study: Applicable |
Applied ethics Received: 2019/06/22 | Accepted: 2019/06/22 | Published: 2019/06/22
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