Molla Sadra on Place of Rational Intellect and Practical Intellect in Human Happiness with a Quranic Assessment
Mohsen Izadi |
Abstract: (6180 Views) |
Those scholars knowing human ultimate happiness as ultimate perfection of rational power, have viewed empowering the same intellect to be the way for attaining such a happiness. Molla Sadra has taken this view in many his words. Yet, in a higher level, he has viewed human ultimate happiness as proximity to God. In this paper, it is intended to study his view on the basis of the Quranic teachings of the field. As is understood by the findings of paper, his difinitions of rational intellect and practical intellect are not inclusive with regard to all natural and intellcual abilities; it includes perceptive aspect of human natural affairs only. In addition, Molla Sadra has known the end of rational intellect to be real and of practical intellect to be phantasmal happiness. Such being the case, conceptual knowledge and theoretical philosophy are of a higher place with regard to human deeds and practical philosophy. Yet, in the Quranic teachings, the latter is known to be of important. The paper has studied Sadra`s view comparatively. |
Keywords: Quran, Molla Sadra, Ultimate Happiness, Rational Intellect, Theoretical Intellect, Practical Intellect, Theoretical Philosophy, Practical Philosophy. |
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Type of Study: theoretic |
ethics Received: 2016/08/14 | Accepted: 2017/02/6 | Published: 2017/06/19