Associate professor, Islamic Sciences Department, University of Qom.
Abstract: (821 Views)
It can be acknowledged by thinkers, reformers, and religious leaders that it would be essential to develop and institutionalize admirable social traits, especially work conscience. Undoubtedly, an important factor of the happiness, improvement, and civilization of every society is that people living in the society possess admirable social traits. In spite of the fact that some societies are deprived of the religious doctrines of Islam (and other heavenly religions) they have considerably succeeded in developing and institutionalizing certain socially admirable traits. From the philosophical and religious standpoints, all people have God-given nature with respect to knowledge, power, and tendency, and are disposed to be morally good. However, this disposition is not sufficient to actually have socially good traits, and many factors are required to actualize it. In this paper, using a descriptive analytic method, I address the fact that to fulfill the innate potentials of social moral traits, three elements are extremely influential: (a) effective scientific management, (b) education based on realistic and precise philosophical anthropology, and (c) to strengthen the bedrock of and to remedy the defects of religious life.
Izadi M. An Anthropological Analysis of the Ways of Institutionalizing Social Ethics with Emphasis on Work Conscience. پژوهشنامه اخلاق 2022; 15 (56) :47-68 URL: