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:: Volume 16, Issue 60 (summer 2023) ::
پژوهشنامه اخلاق 2023, 16(60): 163-186 Back to browse issues page
Phenomenology of ethics in the university: Facilitators and barriers
Mohammad Khodayarifard , Keyvan Salehi , Rouhollah Shahabi , Masoud Azarbayejani , Mohammad Hassan Asayesh , Azam Asefniya , Hamidreza Ayatollahi , Khodayar Abili , Gholamali Afrooz , Saeid Akbarizardkhaneh , Khosrow Bagheri-Noaparast , Reza Pour hosein , Hamid Peyravi , Saide Taghizade , Mansoureh Haj hosseini , Elaheh Hejazi Moughari , Marjan Hasani rad , Seyyed Kamal Kharrazi , Marziye Dehghani , Saeid Zandi , Seyyed saeid Sajjadi , Nargessadat Sajjadiyeh , Alireza Shojaee zand , Mohammad Hosein Sharifinia , Nayereh Shokoohi yekta , Behrooz Tahmasb Kazemi , Sorayya Alavinejad , Bagher Ghobari Bonab , Sayyed Mohsen Fatemi , Ahad Faramarzgharamaleky , Neda Farahini , Vali-o-allah Farzad , Alireza Foroughi , Alinaghi Faghihi , Milad Ghorbani , Abdolrahim Gavahi , Mohammadi Moslem , Asadollah Moradi , Ali Moghadam zadeh , Morteza Manteghi
Professor, Faculty of Psychology and Education, University of Tehran (corresponding Author)
Abstract:   (855 Views)
This study aimed to identify the facilitating and inhibiting factors of students' tendency towards ethics. A qualitative approach with a descriptive phenomenological method was employed. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews with 98 Iranian faculty members, university administrators, experts, staff, and students who were selected through criterion sampling. The findings suggest that there are eight facilitating factors such as “structural, functional, social, cultural, personal, religious, study-research-driven, and educational" factors, and there are also nine hindering factors (obstacles) such as “structural, social, performance-related, political, personal, functional, conceptual, informative-cognitive, and cultural” factors. Drawing upon the understanding of a wide range of academic activists, this study identifies new and more complete dimensions and components of the factors concerning the tendency or non-tendency of students towards ethics in the university environment. It is recommended to use these results to develop academic ethics in higher education more efficiently.
Keywords: Adherence to ethics, academic ethics, ethics-oriented university, phenomenology, facilitating factors, inhibiting factors.
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Type of Study: بنیادی | Subject: Applied ethics
Received: 2023/07/8 | Accepted: 2023/07/1 | Published: 2023/07/1
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Khodayarifard M, Salehi K, Shahabi R, Azarbayejani M, Asayesh M H, Asefniya A, et al et al et al et al et al et al . Phenomenology of ethics in the university: Facilitators and barriers. پژوهشنامه اخلاق 2023; 16 (60) :163-186
URL: http://akhlagh.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-2215-en.html

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Volume 16, Issue 60 (summer 2023) Back to browse issues page
فصلنامه علمی پژوهشنامه اخلاق Research Quarterly in Islamic Ethics
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