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Virtual Space of the Computer Games and the Possibility of Choosing Ethical Options (31265 Views)
The Status of Austerity in Ethical Education As Is Understood by the Quran and Hadith (31006 Views)
A Quranic Study :Ethical Sacrifice-Self (30740 Views)
Quranic Critique of Two Cognitive and Non-cognitive Approaches in Ethical Weakness (30511 Views)
Imagination and Becoming Moralized (Definition and Samples from the Role of Imagination in Islamic Morality) (30471 Views)
Moral-Educational Meditations for Family Stability on the Basis of Corresponding Verses and Traditions (27130 Views)
Ethics’ Perspective on Agency Theory (14847 Views)
Ethics of Marketing: the Ethical Values Emphasized by Islam in Managing Marketing Affairs (7531 Views)
A Typilogical Study of Parsimony in Islamic Life`s Style (7472 Views)
A Moral Analysis of the Problem of Revealing Secrets in Counseling (with an Islamic Approach) (7068 Views)
Recalling of Moral Conscience from Allameh Ja’fari’s Viewpoint (6583 Views)
The Role of Spouses’ Loyalty in Creating Trust and Its Development Strategies in Family (6512 Views)
Filtering and the Problem of Ethical Delimitation (6357 Views)
Molla Sadra on Place of Rational Intellect and Practical Intellect in Human Happiness with a Quranic Assessment (6209 Views)
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Intuitionism and Rationalism in the Philosophy of Ethics and Ethical Education (6131 Views)
The Relation between Ethical and Rational Virtues from Farabi and Zagzebski’s Viewpoints (6043 Views)
Imam Khomeini’s Ethical Viewpoint (6018 Views)
Ethical Challenges of Women Being Employed for Family (Comparative Analysis of Islam and Feminism and Providing Solutions) (5929 Views)
A Critical Study of Extending Feqhi Rule saying: Tolerance in the proofs of traditions, to Assessment of Documents of Moral Traditions (5916 Views)
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A Study of Human Free Times with an Islamic moral Approach (5759 Views)
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A Reconsideration of the Principles of Medical Morality in Mohammad Ibn Zakariya Razi (5716 Views)
An Introduction to Ethics in Innovation System; Horizons and Approaches (5713 Views)
An Investigation on the Range of Values Based on the Meaning of Ethical Concepts and Sentences (5704 Views)
The Part of Language and Ethical Speech in Persian Literature (5697 Views)
A Analysis of Backbiting in Islamic Ethics (5696 Views)
Ayatollah Javadi Amoli`s View on the Problem of “ought to and is” (5665 Views)
Commentary Methods of Difficult Mystical and Ethical Narrations (Based on Thematic Induction Method and Result of Sir rul-’Esra’) (5664 Views)
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An Analysis of the Position of Contentment and its Functions in the Masnavi-ye Ma'navi (Rumi’s Spiritual Couplets) Based on Islamic Teachings (5335 Views)
Happiness and Virtue in Feyz Kashani’s Ethical Thought (5330 Views)
An Intereligious Analysis of Epicurean Hedonism (5322 Views)
Analyzing the Role of Belief in the Evolution of Existence and Resurrection in Matrimonial Adjustment: A Comparative Study of the Cognitive Perspective and Islam (5312 Views)
Ethical Analysis of the Narrations about Daily Schedule (5300 Views)
A Methodological Introduction on the Compilation of Ethical Codes in Technical Environments (an Islamic Approach) (5290 Views)
Immorality of Miscarriage on the Basis of Embryo`s State as Divine Gift (5287 Views)
Khwaja Nasir Tusi`s Model of Happiness (Whatness, Norm, Degrees and Objective Components) (5284 Views)
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شناسایی مؤلفه‌های رهبری اخلاقی در قرآن و نهج‌البلاغه (5196 Views)
Prevention of Unintentional Crimes; an Ethical Approach (5191 Views)
Effect of the Rules for Driving and Traffic and Police Manner of Deed on Citizens` Morality (5181 Views)
A Survey on the Permission of Accusing Heretic Based on the Teachings of Fiqh and Morality (5164 Views)
Total Sum: 1219270

فصلنامه علمی پژوهشنامه اخلاق Research Quarterly in Islamic Ethics
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